
Oct 17, 2009

New Aries Astrology reports Aries Astrology, and if your a massage therapist continuing education you should consider Massage Therapist Continuing Education. That's not all folks we also need motorcycle repair in phoenix at times Phoenix Motorcycle Repair

Dec 11, 2006

Pictures from the graduation party at the Hilton have been added. Click Here

Sept 22, 2006

I'm finally going to Arizona, just to visit, and hopefully have a few interviews. I graduate on October 26 and leave the following Friday.
Feb 22, 2006

I'll be adding the electronics stuff as I have time over the next few weeks. It's mostly all the stuff I couldn't find on the internet while taking EET-319 that will help everyone else out.


Dec 31, 2004

Lack of stuff happening in life equals lack of updates on your website. There's going to be 4 new sets of photo's up anytime soon; New Years '04 '05, more of my neice, and Rick n Karens Wedding.

June 13, 2004

Before I get my fingers bit off I put these pictures up for you... This was a birthday get together for my birthday, Heathers' birthday and Jay being back in town.
Click Here

Dec 30, 2003

Christmas pictures of my neice Amanda Click Here
I have more pictures of her but I have to format them for the web. Click Here To Bookmark Jarg.org and check back in a week.

Dec 29, 2003

I just got this site back up, the server it was on died on Dec. 14. All of the images I had of my neice are gone so I will get them back up here as soon as possible. I'm back in Jersey for anyone who's keeping track and now going to DeVry.

Steve Schmidt

If your reading this get a hold of me I'm back in Jersey.

And now on with the show.



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